Which Are The Incredible Dangers Of Large Trucks?

truck accident lawyer in Pittsburgh
Large trucks take up a lot of space, don’t accelerate quickly, and can be a hazard to all drivers when driven by an inexperienced, tired, or reckless operator. Some of the other dangers of large trucks include the following:

  1. Oversized loads
  2. Improperly secured loads
  3. Inexperienced, impaired, tired, or distracted operator
  4. Road conditions
  5. Speed
  6. Blind spots (either side and rear)

Suffering an injury in a truck accident is never easy, no matter the severity. It is important to understand your rights and how you can protect yourself in such a situation. That’s why you need to speak with an experienced truck accident lawyer in Pittsburgh from Shenderovich, Shenderovich, and Fishman.


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